Vietgone by Qui Nguyen
Co-Directed by: Keltie Forsyth & Louisa Phung
Performed at The Jericho Arts Centre from June 3 - 26, 2022
“Meet Qui. He describes two Vietnamese refugees who fall in love in a
camp in Arkansas. A story of what it means to lose everything in a war –
family, language, country – and yet find the strength to build a new
life in a foreign land. Prejudice, immigration, ninjas and hip hop can’t
stand in the way of the playwright’s parents getting together.“
Jacob Wan - Lighting Design
Nico Dicecco - Video Projection Design
Kai Wong - Asst. Video Projection Design
Jane Li - Set Design
Todd Parker - Set Consultant
Lady Rae Clark - Costume Design
Jaimie Lievers - Asst. Costume Design