TomorrowLove by Rosamund Small

Playlets chosen: 
    Act 1: Office Friends, Tell Me You Hate Me, Perfect
    Act 2: Reeseman, Eight Legs Two Hearts, Take This Soul

Directed by Ming Hudson (Act 1) & Camyar Chaichian (Act 2)

Performed at The Telus Studio Theatre at the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts from February 1 - 10, 2024

Special thanks to my assistants/video operators Marília Saito and Huda Shawwash.

Ana Camacho - Scenic Design
Taylor Wen - Scenic Design
Nyssa Estrella - Costume Design Act 1
Cole Albee - Costume Design Act 2
Amy Currie - Lighting Design
Sam Cheng - Asst. Lighting Design Act 1
Stephanie Shih - Asst. Lighting Design Act 2
Kai Wong - Projection Design
Javier R. Sotres - Photographer

Top: Tell Me You Hate Me (Isabella Buonaiuto, Paula Goldie)
Bottom Left: Office Friends (Shivorn Kan, Abigail Millson)
Bottom Right: Perfect (Dahlia-Raphael Kerr, Belle Nightingale)

Footage courtesy of UBC Theatre & Film archives

Act One
In the playlet Perfect, a couple makes virtual avatars for each other in hopes of the activity livening up their bedroom life. To adapt this to stage while making it an immersive experience, the two actors made avatars for each other using an avatar creation software called VRoid Studio, which I then refined and animated to make it ready for motion capture. The actors were then trained on operating motion capture through VSeeFace using two cameras placed strategically on stage to capture the actors live, and connected the video feed back into Isadora using NDI. In the broadcast and streaming world this practice is typically called "vtubing," and I am beyond honoured to have the opportunity to bring it into live theatre and present this playlet in such a special way.

(Isadora file available upon request for educational purposes)

Act Two
Top left: Take This Soul. This playlet had an overarching theme of surveillance, hence the eye.
Top right: Reeseman. The premise was a face transplant operation that made everyone look the same and allegedly more successful.
Bottom left: Eight Legs, Two Hearts. The couple in this playlet reference a video game called "Echo World," so I made an advertisement for the game.
Bottom right: Take This Soul. More on the theme of surveillance and being watched, this time with multiple blinking eyes, hand drawn and animated by me using Procreate.

From left to right: Reeseman, Eight Legs Two Hearts, Take This Soul

Hand drawn animation for Take This Soul
Director Camyar Chai and I decided that a way to unify the three playlets would be through these in-between projections, acting as an "in-world" advertisements, similar to what you would see in a cyberpunk billboard. 

(Isadora file available upon request for educational purposes)

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